Locatie servere Romania, 2Gbps
Uptime garantat 99.99%, activare rapida
VPS 800
Intel Core i5
1 GHz, 1 threads
10 GB
1 GB
500 GB
50 mb/s
VPS 1500
Intel Quad Xeon® E3-1220v2
1.2 Ghz, up to 2 threads
25 GB
2 GB
100 mb/s
VPS 2000
Core i7-2600
2 GHz up to 2 threads
75 GB
4 GB
2 TB
500 mb/s
VPS 3200
Intel Xeon® E5645
3.2 Ghz up to 4 threads
150 GB
4 GB
4 TB
1 Gbps
Uptime de retea de 99.9% GARANTAT
Activare in 30 de minute
Instalare OS automata
Monitorizare 24/7/365 si notificare
proactiva a incidentelor
Interventia in cazul defectiunilor hardware
este de maxim 15 minute.
Suportul tehnic 24/7 h prin telefon
si tichete de suport.